Wednesday, December 18, 2013

18. [Rate & Equilibrium]

--Rate & Equilibrium--

During this standard I learned about how to speed up chemical reactions as well as how to get an equilibrium. The part that stood out the most was the video that explained what could be done to speed up the chemical reactions. In the beginning however I was confused about the equations and how to work through acquiring equilibrium. This standard was quite interesting as well as my mind being blow by the clock reaction.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

16. [Combustion]


I learned about fire. I learned about the chemical reaction for combustion and why activation energy is needed. I learned what elements must be involved for combustion to occur. It was also re-emphasized that energy is neither lost or gained, only transferred between components of the system. I finally learned how to read a graph and which parts show the reactant energy, product energy, activation energy, and total change in energy. Oh, and I'm able to identify an activated complex and when a reaction is either endothermic or exothermic!

And I got to see Shoe play with fire very professionally..
This standard was not too difficult, it was very short.
And ya, that's all folks.

Friday, December 6, 2013



 15. Stoichiometry.. I believe I have learned stoichiometry and may have aced the test on the first try. I learned about balancing equations, and understanding the difficulties of switching from unit to unit. The part that stood out the most in this standard was being able to set up the problems and move throughout the diagram properly. I was totally oblivious as to how to set up and do the problems properly until I learned the diagram.

I hate it...
But I love it...