Friday, September 6, 2013

3.1 & 4.1

~Atomic Structure~

In 3.1 I learned about the atomic structure of an atom. I learned that an atom is composed of protons, neutrons, electrons, and mostly empty space. 

Need To Know
Atomic Number (represented by the letter Z) tells us the number of Protons and Electrons in an atom.
Atomic Mass (represented by the letter A) tells us the number of Protons and Neutrons in an atom.

Although it was not very difficult the most challenging part of this lesson would be finding the "amu" for an atom based on the relative abundance of an elements isotopes. 

We need to know this information so we can know what element we have based on protons or how to find the amount of neutrons and electrons based on an isotopes mass and atomic number.

Fun Part - MnMium Lab!

~The Periodic Table~

In 4.1 I learned about the periodic table and how it is organized.

Need To Know
The periodic table is categorized in different ways. One method is based on the form of the element (Alkali Metals, Alkaline Earth Metals, Inner Transition Metals, Transition Metals, Post-Transition Metals, Metalloids, Nonmetals, Noble Gases, and Halogens.) A different was is based on the rows (also known as periods) and the columns (also known as the families.)

I found this lesson very easy and understandable. We do need to know this information though so we can categorize elements in a multitude of manners.

Fun Part - Coloring the periodic table!

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