Thursday, September 12, 2013


~Nuclear Energy~

In 7.1 I learned about alpha and beta nuclear particles and gamma radiation including symbols, composition, and relative penetrability, half-life, as well as vocabulary words and nuclear fission/fusion.

Need to Know
-Alpha and beta decay equations as well as gamma radiation (while also remembering symbols, composition, and relative penetrability)
-How to calculate the age of a substance using isotop composition of a sample while given the half-life
-Sorting Vocabulary words into three categories: 
1)Radioactive Decay 2)Fission 3)Fusion
-Using equations to balance and solve for unknowns

The hardest part would be sorting the vocabulary words into three categories!

We need to know this information so we know how alpha and beta particles work, how gamma radiation works, and how nuclear fission/fusion works so we can apply this to our future studies.

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